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Events in 2004

Date Event
Δεκέμβριος 2004
2004-12-22 graduation ceremony
2004-12-10 G. Plotkin (A calculus for chemical systems)
2004-12-03 W. Demopoulos (Carnap and the rational reconstruction of the language of Physics)
2004-12-01 MSc defense of Ευαγγελίας Γαβαθά
2004-12-01 MSc defense of E. Kotelida
2004-12-01 MSc defense of Χρήστου Τσιρώνη
2004-12-01 MSc defense of Γεωργίου Κοκορέτση
Νοέμβριος 2004
2004-11-26 Κ. Δημητρακόπουλος (Hilbert's 10th problem, I)
2004-11-19 A. Kaporis (The problem of satisfiability of random logical propositions: constructive techniques for solving, techniques of solution existence)
2004-11-05 Y. N. Moschovakis (Inductive relations)
2004-11-01 MSc defense of Λαμπρινή Καλαντζή
Οκτώβριος 2004
2004-10-22 Ε. Ζάχος (The complexity of counting functions with easy decision version)
2004-10-15 Δ. Μ. Θηλυκός (Wagner's conjecture and its proof: A short description of the theory of minor graphs, II)
2004-10-08 Δ. Μ. Θηλυκός (Wagner's conjecture and its proof: A short description of the theory of minor graphs, I)
2004-10-01 MSc defense of Νικολάου Κιούρτη
2004-10-01 F. Hamm (Plan-goal structures and the dynamics of temporal reasoning)
Σεπτέμβριος 2004
2004-09-01 MSc defense of Νικολάου Μαραγκού
Αύγουστος 2004
2004-08-01 MSc defense of Κωνσταντίνου Γεωργίου
Ιούλιος 2004
2004-07-23 Α. Κεχρής (Generic symmetries)
2004-07-02 T. Viglas (On complexity class separations and algorithmic simulations)
Ιούνιος 2004
2004-06-18 N. Lygeros (Algorithms for enumerating posets, prosets and mixed models)
2004-06-11 A. Potika (Problems of path routing and coloring in totally optical networks with multiple fibers)
2004-06-04 Ν. Παπασπύρου (Programming with proofs: Type systems based on logic ... and other frightening stories ..)
2004-06-01 MSc defense of Σταυρούλας Καλλιακούδα
2004-06-01 MSc defense of Ευστράτιου Περουτσέα
Μάιος 2004
2004-05-28 A. Tzouvaras (Why is the operation of powerset so special?)
2004-05-21 E. Kranakis (Mobile agent rendez-vous problem)
2004-05-07 Κ. Δημητρακόπουλος (Ramsey's Theorem)
Απρίλιος 2004
2004-04-30 P. Kolaitis (On preservation under homomorphisms in the finite)
2004-04-23 T. Pheidas (Using Logic to solve problems in Algebra)
Μάρτιος 2004
2004-03-19 R. Kossak (Automorphisms of models of arithmetic, non-classification and some classification results)
2004-03-12 Ε. Ζάχος (Descriptive complexity: complexity classes and operators)
Ιανουάριος 2004
2004-01-23 Κ. Δημητρακόπουλος (The “indemonstrable moods” of the Stoics)


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