Δεκέμβριος 2010 |
2010-12-31 |
MSc defense of Μαρία Κελεσίδου |
2010-12-28 |
MSc defense of Παράσχος Κουτρής |
2010-12-22 |
graduation ceremony |
2010-12-10 |
MSc defense of Χρήστος Λίτσας |
2010-12-10 |
A. Grigoriev (Scheduling jobs with time-resource tradeoff via nonlinear programming) |
Νοέμβριος 2010 |
2010-11-26 |
MSc defense of Ανδρέας Γαλάνης |
2010-11-26 |
P. Karazeris (Coalgebras, datatypes and modal logic) |
2010-11-19 |
I. Sau (Dyhamic programming for graphs on surfaces) |
2010-11-05 |
M. Kaminski (Graphs within graphs—an algorithmic look at containment relations) |
Οκτώβριος 2010 |
2010-10-22 |
Y. N. Moschovakis (The Axiomatic Derivation Of Absolute Lower Bounds) |
2010-10-15 |
Ε. Ζάχος (Martin Davis: ENGINES OF LOGIC) |
2010-10-08 |
Κ. Δημητρακόπουλος (The party problem and the incompleteness of Peano Arithmetic) |
2010-10-01 |
D. Paulusma (The k-in-a-Path problem for claw-free graphs) |
Σεπτέμβριος 2010 |
2010-09-27 |
MSc defense of Θάνου Τσουάνα |
Ιούλιος 2010 |
2010-07-13 |
MSc defense of Αλέξανδρος Παλιουδάκης |
2010-07-02 |
P. Cheilaris (Graph unique-maximum and conflict-free colourings) |
2010-07-01 |
MSc defense of Γεωργίου Λεντάρη |
2010-07-01 |
MSc defense of M. Nikolaou |
Ιούνιος 2010 |
2010-06-25 |
Ι. Σουλδάτος (Infinitary logic and characterizable cardinals) |
2010-06-23 |
MSc defense of Μάριος Κουλάκης |
2010-06-18 |
Y. N. Moschovakis (Kleene's amazing Second Recursion Theorem) |
2010-06-14 |
Έ. Τσαρπαλής (Data types as complex numbers) |
2010-06-11 |
Ά. Σιροκόφσκιχ (Decidability of sub-theories of polynomials over a finite field) |
2010-06-07 |
E. Kranakis (Connectivity of Sensor Networks Using Directional Antennae) |
2010-06-01 |
MSc defense of Ε. Χατζηγεωργάκη |
Μάρτιος 2010 |
2010-03-30 |
Δ. Μ. Θηλυκός (Kernelization and meta-algorithmic techniques) |
2010-03-26 |
Ι. Στεφάνου (Tackling the Liar by changing Logic (Part II)) |
2010-03-19 |
Ι. Στεφάνου (Tackling the Liar by changing Logic) |
2010-03-05 |
Κ. Δημητρακόπουλος (Truth definitions and subsystems of Peano Arithmetic (Part II)) |
2010-03-01 |
MSc defense of C. Sdrakas |
Φεβρουάριος 2010 |
2010-02-26 |
Κ. Δημητρακόπουλος (Truth definitions and subsystems of Peano Arithmetic) |
Ιανουάριος 2010 |
2010-01-22 |
Ε. Ζάχος (Hierarchies of complexity classes (Part II)) |
2010-01-14 |
A. Georgakopoulos (Planar Cayley graphs and computation) |