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Δημήτριος Μ. Θηλυκός

Photo of Thilikos

Δημήτριος Μ. Θηλυκός

Ειδική Διατμήματική Επιτροπή (ΕΔΕ)
Ειδική Διατμήματική Επιτροπή (ΕΔΕ)
Ειδική Διατμήματική Επιτροπή (ΕΔΕ)

seminars given

ημερομηνία τίτλος
2014/02/28 Optimal Erdős-Pósa proterties for θ_r minor models
2012/01/13 Graph minor theory: from combinatorics to algorithms
2010/03/30 Kernelization and meta-algorithmic techniques
2009/12/04 Bidimensionality, contractions and applications in parametrized complexity
2007/06/08 Graph searching in a crime wave (joint work with D. Richerby)
2006/04/14 Using submodular functions to generate with parameters: the issues of monotonicity and connectivity
2004/10/15 Wagner's conjecture and its proof: A short description of the theory of minor graphs, II
2004/10/08 Wagner's conjecture and its proof: A short description of the theory of minor graphs, I
2003/10/31 The theory of minor graphs and its use in the design of subexponential parametric algorithms
2003/06/20 Retreat is futile when you want to take over the world
10 seminars.

MSc theses supervised

τίτλος student defense
Παραμετρικοί Αλγόριθμοι και Μητροειδή η χρήση των συνόλων αντιπροσώπευσης Μαρία Πετροπαναγιωτάκη 2016-11-04
An Alternative Proof for the NP-completeness of the Grid Subgraph Problem Δημήτριος Χατζηδημητρίου 2016-10-04
Αποσυνθέσεις σφαιρικών τομών και σύνολα κυριαρχίας σε επίπεδα γραφήματα Μιχαήλ Σάμαρης 2016-06-24
Asymptotic analysis of outerplanar graphs with subgraph obstructions Βασιλική Βελώνα 2016-06-24
Linkages in primal-dual graphs Σπυρίδων Μανιάτης 2016-06-03
Obstructions and Algorithms for Graph Searching Problems Δημήτρης Ζώρος 2014-02-04
On the computability of obstruction sets for well-quasi-ordered graph classes Ιωσήφ Σάλεμ 2012-09-17
Variants of Stable Marriage, algorithms, complexity and structural properties Γεώργιος Σταθόπουλος 2011-12-05
Kernelization algorithms on planar graphs Γεώργιος Ασκαλίδης 2011-05-30
Treewidth and Proper Treewidth Παύλος Ιωάννης Πύρρος Χάιδος 2011-03-01
Using the color-coding method in Parametric Algorithms design C. Sdrakas 2010-03-01
Tree-depth of Graphs: Characterisations and Obstructions Αρχοντία Γιαννοπούλου 2009-06-11
Parameters and Problems on Graph Layouts I. Rokos 2009-02-01
Whitney's Theorem Γρηγόριος Γαλιατσάτος 2008-07-01
Elements of parametric complexity K. Papanikolaou 2008-05-01
Bidimensionality and Graph Decompositions Αθανάσιος Κουτσώνας 2008-03-01
Succintness of logics on trees V. Nikas 2007-12-01
17 MSc theses.

Further information


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