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You are here: Persons » Pavlos Peppas

Pavlos Peppas

Pavlos Peppas

  • Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής, Department of Business Administration, University of Patras
  • Intrasoft

seminars given

ημερομηνία τίτλος
2008/05/23 Conflicts between Relevance and Iteration in Belief Revision
2005/04/08 Distance semantics for relevance-sensitive belief revision
2000/03/17 Belief Revision, II
2000/03/03 Belief Revision, I
4 seminars.

MSc theses supervised

τίτλος student defense
Belief revision and iterated revision Χρήστος Κανλής 2007-12-01
1 MSc thesis.

Further information


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