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MSc thesis defense presentation

Agamemnon Giannakopoulos defends his MSc thesis

Date: Tuesday, 28 Feb 2017
Time: 16:00
Location: School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (old buildings), 1.1.31
Thesis title: Learning Poisson Binomial Distributions with Differential Privacy

Thesis abstract

This thesis tries to leverage two major research areas. The first area concerns the Distribution Learning Theory and the second the Differential Privacy. More specific, given a highly efficient algorithm which learns with ε-accuracy a Poisson Binomial Distribution we try to study its Differential Privacy property. We show that the Algorithm achieves Differential Privacy under specific circumstances (regarding PBD nature). If the PBD close to a (n,k)-Binomial form the algorithm is Differential Privacy. If the PBD is close to a k-sparse form algorithm's privacy depends on PBD cardinality.


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