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Events in 2003

Date Event
December 2003
2003-12-22 graduation ceremony
2003-12-19 C. D. Koutras (Multiple-valued Modal Logic: definability, completeness, model theory)
2003-12-12 G. Barbalias (Hypersimple semicomputable sets in the weak truth table degrees)
2003-12-05 F. Afrati (The complexity of conjunctive query containment)
2003-12-01 MSc defense of Georgios Tzachristas
November 2003
2003-11-28 S. Ghilezan (Intersection types in classical logic)
2003-11-21 J. R. Moschovakis (Hierarchies in realistic extensions of intuitionistic theories)
2003-11-07 P. Spirakis (Communication problems in ad-hoc mobile nets: Multi-particle interactions and concurrent random walks)
2003-11-01 MSc defense of Christos Tzetzias
October 2003
2003-10-31 D. M. Thilikos (The theory of minor graphs and its use in the design of subexponential parametric algorithms)
2003-10-24 A. Louveau (Dichotomy results for Borel graphs)
2003-10-10 B. Löwe (Deterministic and nondeterministic supertask computation)
2003-10-03 Y. N. Moschovakis (Is Euclid's algorithm optimal?)
July 2003
2003-07-01 MSc defense of Vasiliki Kaliakouda
June 2003
2003-06-30 A. S. Kechris (Fraissé limits, Ramsey theory and topological dynamics of automorphism groups)
2003-06-20 D. M. Thilikos (Retreat is futile when you want to take over the world)
2003-06-06 K. Drossos (Infinitesimals and non-standard mathematics)
May 2003
2003-05-30 P. Stephaneas (Information technology and ethics)
2003-05-23 E. Kranakis (Compasses, Faces and Butterflies: Route Discovery in Ad-hoc \\ Networks)
2003-05-16 P. D'Aquino (Weak fragments of arithmetic)
2003-05-09 N. Rigas (Intersection types and applications to lambda calculus)
April 2003
2003-04-18 E. Koutsoupias (Coordination Mechanisms)
2003-04-11 M. Mavronikolas (Game-theoretic techniques in package routing)
2003-04-04 T. Andronikos (Automatic system verification and synthesis)
March 2003
2003-03-28 G. Kapoulas (Infinitesimals via the cofinite filter)
2003-03-21 R. Diaconescu (From Birkhoff axiomatizability to interpolation: a categorical model-theoretic approach)
2003-03-14 D. Kavvadias (Generating extreme structures: algorithms and complexity)
February 2003
2003-02-28 S. Nikoletseas (Smart Dust Protocols for Local Detection and Propagation)
2003-02-21 graduation ceremony
2003-02-21 C. Dimitracopoulos (The pigeonhole principle and the infinitude of primes)
2003-02-14 I. Emiris (The theory of algebraic sparse elimination)
January 2003
2003-01-10 A. T. Pagourtzis (Communication algorithms in wireless networks of unknown topology)


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