December 2013 |
2013-12-23 |
MSc defense of Panagiotis Theofilopoulos |
October 2013 |
2013-10-01 |
Λ4. Algorithms and complexity II (2012-2013, fall semester) [september exam] |
August 2013 |
2013-08-01 |
MSc defense of Georgios Kourtis |
July 2013 |
2013-07-11 |
Λ14. Introduction to λ-calculus (2012-2013, spring semester) [final exam] |
2013-07-05 |
Λ13Ο. Approximation algorithms and mechanisms design (2012-2013, spring semester) [final exam] |
2013-07-04 |
Π05Β. Computation models and complexity (2012-2013, spring semester) [final exam] |
2013-07-01 |
Λ13Ξ. Intuitionistic logic and constructive mathematics (2012-2013, spring semester) [final exam] |
June 2013 |
2013-06-25 |
Λ1. Mathematical logic (2012-2013, spring semester) [midterm exam] |
2013-06-12 |
Μ6. Set theory (2012-2013, spring semester) [final exam] |
2013-06-10 |
MSc defense of Grammateia Kotsialou |
May 2013 |
2013-05-30 |
MSc defense of Aristotelis Misios |
2013-05-27 |
Λ13Ν. Matroid theory (2012-2013, spring semester) [final exam] |
2013-05-27 |
Λ13Ν. Matroid theory (2012-2013, spring semester) [final exam] |
2013-05-26 |
Λ07Ν. Parameterized complexity and algorithms (2012-2013, spring semester) [final exam] |
2013-05-26 |
Λ13Ν. Matroid theory (2012-2013, spring semester) [final exam] |
2013-05-26 |
Λ13Ν. Matroid theory (2012-2013, spring semester) [final exam] |
2013-05-21 |
Π02Ε. Computational algebra (2012-2013, fall semester) [final exam] |
2013-05-17 |
E. Kranakis (Monitoring the Plane with Rotating Radars) |
March 2013 |
2013-03-12 |
Λ4. Algorithms and complexity II (2012-2013, fall semester) [final exam] |
2013-03-06 |
Λ15. Proof theory (2012-2013, fall semester) [final exam] |
2013-03-05 |
Λ12Β. Advanced topics in graph theory (2012-2013, fall semester) [september exam] |
2013-03-04 |
MSc defense of Georgios Mpirmpas |
2013-03-01 |
Π02Γ. Cryptography and complexity (2012-2013, fall semester) [final exam] |
February 2013 |
2013-02-27 |
Λ3. Algorithms and complexity I (2012-2013, fall semester) [midterm exam] |
2013-02-15 |
Λ99Γ. Modal logic (2012-2013, fall semester) [midterm exam] |
2013-02-11 |
Π00Γ. Combinatorial optimization (2012-2013, fall semester) [midterm exam] |
2013-02-08 |
A. Stampoulis (VeriML: A dependently-typed, user-extensible and language-centric approach to proof assistants) |
2013-02-07 |
Π10Α. Knowledge technologies (2012-2013, fall semester) [midterm exam] |
2013-02-04 |
Π98Π. Cryptography (2012-2013, fall semester) [midterm exam] |
January 2013 |
2013-01-11 |
Λ05Δ. Graph Theory (2012-2013, fall semester) [september exam] |
2013-01-07 |
MSc defense of Nikolaos Karvelas |