Fortune cookie
“Probability is expectation founded upon partial knowledge. A perfect acquaintance with all the circumstances affecting the occurrence of an event would change expectation into certainty, and leave nether room nor demand for a theory of probabilities.”
George Boole.
MSc specialization: logic and the theory of algorithms and computation
Specialization requirements
Requirements independent of specialization
MSc thesis.
at least 42 teaching credits must be obtained
from courses belonging to any of the following types:
elective required,
elective (computer science logic),
elective (mathematical logic),
elective (logic),
Special Topics in Logic,
special topics in computer science,
special topics in mathematics,
reading course,
reading half-course,
external course.
The following restrictions apply:
at most 8 teaching credits may be obtained
from courses belonging to any of the following types:
reading course,
reading half-course.
at most 8 teaching credits may be obtained
from courses of the type external course.
pass all courses of the type required.
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