Vagios Vlachos: student profile
msc, #201117
Enrolled in: | December 2011 |
Graduated on: | Tuesday, 27 May 2014 |
Chosen specialization: | mathematical logic |
Title: o-Minimality and its Variations.
Defended: Tuesday, 01 Apr 2014.
Course participations
- Λ2. Computability (2012-2013, fall semester)
- Λ05Δ. Graph Theory (2012-2013, fall semester)
- Λ99Γ. Modal logic (2012-2013, fall semester)
- Λ12Β. Advanced topics in graph theory (2012-2013, fall semester)
- Λ5. Research methodology (2012-2013, spring semester)
- Λ13Ξ. Intuitionistic logic and constructive mathematics (2012-2013, spring semester)
- Π03Β. Semantics of programming languages (2012-2013, spring semester)
- Λ13Ν. Matroid theory (2012-2013, spring semester)
- ΛΔΕ. Msc thesis (2012-2013, spring semester)
- Λ1. Mathematical logic (2012-2013, spring semester)