You are here: C.V.


Personal data

  • Date of birth: 25th November 1953
  • Place of birth: Athens, Greece


  • Department of Mathematics, University of Athens (B.Sc. 1975)
  • Department of Mathematics, University of Manchester (Ph.D. 1980, Advisor: J. B. Paris)

Scholarships and prizes

  • First prize in the panhellenic competition of the Greek Mathematical Society (1971).
  • I.K.Y. scholarship (1971-1975).
  • Research studentship, University of Manchester (1977-1979).

Academic positions

  • Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Crete (9/1984-12/1987 and 9/1988-1/1990).
  • Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, U.C.L.A. (1/1988-8/1988).
  • Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Crete (2/1990-9/1994).
  • Associate Professor, PHS Department, University of Athens (10/1994-9/2000).
  • Professor, PHS Department, University of Athens (10/2000-present).


I have given lectures, most of them invited, at the following institutions:

Sofia University, Middle-East Technical University (Ankara), University of Manchester, Yale University, U.C.L.A., CalTech, U.C.B., Baruch College (New York), Occidental College (Los Angeles), University of Lisbon, University of Seville, Oxford University, Queen Mary and Westfield College, Rutgers University, Smith College, C.U.N.Y. Graduate Center, University of Helsinki, University of Siena, University of Pisa, University of Paris XII, Yugoslav Academy of Sciences (Belgrade) and Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw).

I have also given about 40 lectures in the Logic Seminar of the University of Crete and in the Logic and Algorithms Seminar of the University of Athens (MPLA).

Other Scientific Activities

  • Referee of 24 papers for various journals, including Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, Fundamenta Mathematicae, Journal of Symbolic Logic, Mathematical Logic Quarterly, Theoretical Computer Science and Neusis.
  • Reviewer of 229 (extended) abstracts for various conference proceedings volumes, including Arithmetic, Proof Theory and Complexity (Prague, 1991), 1st PLS (Nicosia, 1997), 2nd PLS (Delphi, 1999), 3rd PLS (Anogeia, 2001), Computability in Europe 2007 (Siena), 6th PLS (Volos, 2007), Computability in Europe 2008 (Athens), 2nd Panhellenic Conference of Philosophy of Science (Athens, 2012), 23rd World Congress of Philosophy (Athens, 2013), 33rd Weak Arithmetics Days (Gothenburg, June 2014), 3rd Panhellenic Conference of Philosophy of Science (Athens, November 2014), 10th PLS (Karlovassi, Samos, 2015), 4th Panhellenic Conference of Philosophy of Science (Athens, 2016) and 11th PLS (Delphi, 2017).
  • Reviewer of 97 papers and 3 books for Mathematical Reviews, 3 books for Journal of Symbolic Logic and 4 books for Metascience.
  • Co-editor (with L. Newelski, D. Normann and J.R. Steel) of Proceedings of Logic Colloquium 2005, Lecture Notes in Logic 28 (2008), Cambridge University Press.
  • Co-editor (with A. Beckmann and B. Loewe) of Proceedings of Computability in Europe 2008, Lecture Notes in Comp. Science 5028, Springer-Verlag, 2008.
  • Co-editor (with P. Cegielski and Ch. Cornaros) of New Studies in Weak Arithmetics, Lecture Notes 205, CSLI Publications, Stanford, 2013.
  • Co-editor (with K. Boudouris and E. Protopapadakis) of Selected papers from the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, Journal of Philosophical Research, vol. 40, Special Supplement, 2015.

Supervision/Examination of Theses

  • Supervisor of the B.Sc. theses (HPS Department): K. Manouvelos, Ch. Tsoulouchas, E. Hatzimalona-G. Dikou, E. Fafaliou, Th. Babatzia, I. Alexiadis, C. Giavridis, G. Doulkeris, K. Antonopoulou, D. Kallegia, G. Feretzakis, E. Antoniou, C. Tentomas, T. Meimeti, E. Duri, E. Kymaki, A.-M. Douma, S. Grigoriadou, M. Lytras, G. Tsiros, C. Kosioris, A. Derdemezi, G. Meletakos, G. Andritsos and G. Mylonopoulos.
  • Supervisor of the M.Sc. theses of D. Gratsea (University of Crete), A. Dimakakos, P. Sipsa, O. Raptis, G. Tzaxristas, K. Manouvelos, A.-M. Fasouli, R. Sklinos and V. Vlachos (MPLA), and Ch. Siakfas, I. Barbaressos, E. Triantafyllou, A. Anapolitanos and B. Sula (HPST), and T. Katsikis (DMM).
  • Supervisor of the Ph.D. theses of Ch. Cornaros (University of Crete, 1994), A. Sirokofskich (MPLA, 2007) and V. Paschalis (MPLA, 2016).
  • Co-supervisor of the Ph.D. thesis of Ch. Tsoulouchas (School of Philosophy, University of Athens).
  • External examiner of the Ph.D. thesis of R. Blanck (University of Gothenburg, 2017).
  • Member of supervising committee of 7 Ph.D. theses.
  • Member of examination committee of 39 M.Sc. theses.
  • Member of examination committee of 41 Ph.D. theses.

Administrative work

  • Chair of Special Inter-Departmental Committee of MPLA (9/1999-8/2008).
  • Co-editor (with Y.N. Moschovakis) of the Study Guide of MPLA (2000-2003).
  • Director of Division of History of Science and Technology, PHS Department (9/2002-8/2008).
  • Associate Chair of PHS Department (9/2005-8/2009).
  • Editor of Study Guide of PHS Department (2007-2014).
  • Chair of PHS Department (9/2009-2/2014).
  • Chair of Special Inter-Departmental Committee of HPST (9/2012-8/2016).
  • Vice-chair of Greek Philosophical Society (1/2013-12/2014).
  • Vice-chair of PHS Department (3/2014-11/2017).
  • Chair of Greek Philosophical Society (12/2014-12/2016).
  • Bursar of Greek Philosophical Society (1/2017-present).
  • Chair of PHS Department (12/2017-present).
  • Chair of Special Inter-Departmental Committee of HPST (12/2017-present).

Conference and seminar organization

  • Organizer of the Logic Seminar, Department of Mathematics, University of Crete (10/1989-6/1994).
  • Co-organizer (with K. Skandalis) of the conference Logic in Computer Science (University of Crete, 1991).
  • Organizer of the Logic and Algorithms Seminar, MPLA, University of Athens (9/1997-7/2008).
  • Member of the Organizing Committee of the 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 10th PLS.
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th PLS.
  • Chair of the Organizing Committee and member of the Programme Committee of Logic Colloquium 2005 (Athens).
  • Co-chair (with A. Beckmann) of the Programme Committee and Chair of the Organizing Committee of Computability in Europe 2008 (Athens).
  • Chair of the Organizing Committee of "27th Weak Arithmetics Days" (Athens, June 2008).
  • Member of the Programme Committee of Logic Colloquium 2010 (Paris, July 2010).
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of the 1st Panhellenic Conference of Philosophy of Science (Athens, October 2010).
  • Member of the Organizing Committee of the 3rd European Philosophy of Science Association Conference (Athens, October 2011).
  • Member of the Organizing and Programme Committee of "31st Weak Arithmetic Days" (Karlovassi, May 2012).
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of the 2nd Panhellenic Conference of Philosophy of Science (Athens, November 2012).
  • Chair of the Organizing Committee of "32nd Weak Arithmetics Days" (Athens, June 2013).
  • Member of the Organizing Committee of the 23rd World Congress of Philosophy (Athens, August 2013).
  • Member of the Organizing Committee of "33rd Weak Arithmetics Days" (Gothenburg, June 2014).
  • Member of the Scientific Committee and Organizing Committee of the World Congress in Philosophy "The Philosophy of Aristotle" (Athens, July 2016).
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of the 4th Panhellenic Conference of Philosophy of Science (Athens, December 2016).

Last update:
6 years ago.
