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  1. (with H. Gaifman) Fragments of Peano's arithmetic and the MRDP theorem, Logic and Algorithmic, Monographie No. 30 de L'Enseignement Mathematique, 1982, 187--206.
  2. (with J. Paris) Truth definitions for Delta0 formulae, ibid., 317--329.
  3. (with J. Paris) A note on the undefinability of cuts, J. Symb. Logic 48 (1983), 564--569.
  4. A generalization of a theorem of H. Friedman, Z. Math. Logik Grundlag. Math. 31 (1985), 221--225.
  5. (with J. Paris) The pigeonhole principle and fragments of arithmetic, Z. Math. Logik Grundlag. Math. 32 (1986), 73--80.
  6. (with J. Paris) A note on a theorem of H. Friedman, Z. Math. Logik Grundlag. Math. 34 (1988), 13--17.
  7. (with R. Kaye and J. Paris) On parameter free induction schemas, J. Symb. Logic 53 (1988), 1082--1097.
  8. Overspill and fragments of arithmetic, Arch. Math. Logic 28 (1989), 173--179.
  9. (with Z. Adamowicz) On a problem concerning parameter free induction, Z. Math. Logik Grundlag. Math. 37 (1991), 363--366.
  10. (with Ch. Cornaros) A note on exponentiation, J. Symb. Logic 58 (1993), 64--71.
  11. (with Ch. Cornaros) The prime number theorem and fragments of PA, Arch. Math. Logic 33 (1994), 265--281.
  12. (with Ch. Cornaros) A note on end extensions, Arch. Math. Logic 39 (2000), 459--463.
  13. On end extensions of models of subsystems of Peano arithmetic, Theoret. Comput. Sci. 257 (2001), 79--84.
  14. (with A. Sirokofskich) On a problem of J. Paris, J. Logic Comput. 17 (2007), 1099--1107.
  15. (with Ch. Cornaros) On two problems concerning end extensions, Arch. Math. Logic 47(2008), 1--14.
  16. Logical symbolism and ancient logic, Philosophical Inquiry 39 (2015), 181--188.
  17. (with V. Paschalis) End extensions of weak arithmetic theories, Notre Dame J. Formal Logic 57 (2016), 181--193.


My doctoral thesis and other research publications have been cited 372 times by other researchers and my h-index is 8.

Surveys-Translations-Conference proceedings

  1. Hilbert's 10th problem (in Greek), Seminar talks, Department of Mathematics, University of Crete, 1985, 23--37.
  2. A new proof of the Goedel incompleteness theorem (in Greek), Mathematical Reviews 36 (1989), 61--65 (translation of the paper by G. Boolos published in Notices Amer. Math. Soc. 36 (1989)).
  3. Chaitin's equation: An extension of Goedel's theorem (in Greek), Mathematical Reviews 38 (1992), 52--57 (translation of the paper by J. P. Delahaye published in Notices Amer. Math. Soc. 36 (1989)).
  4. Subsystems of Peano arithmetic and classical results of number theory, Filomat 9 (1995), 473--481.
  5. Subsystems of Peano arithmetic - some results and problems, Proc. 1st PLS, 1997, 1--5.
  6. (with D. Anapolitanos and J. B. Paris) Reasoning under uncertainty (in Greek), Neusis 7 (1998), 109--132.
  7. (with Ch. Cornaros) On end extensions of models of Sigman induction, Proc. 2nd PLS, 1999, 88--91.
  8. (with Ch. Cornaros) End extensions of models and provable overspill, Proc. 3rd PLS, 2001, 123--127.
  9. Truth and Proof: Goedel's theorems (in Greek), Neusis 11 (2002), 75--84.
  10. (with A. Sirokofskich) On a problem of L. Beklemishev, Proc. 5th PLS, 2005, 57--61.
  11. (with A. Sirokofskich) A note on Delta1 induction, Proc. 9th ALC, 2006, 51--57.
  12. The Aristotelean Syllogistic (in Greek), in: Dots and dashes. 13 papers on the philosophy and history of mathematics and logic, D. Anapolitanos (ed.), Nefeli Publ., Athens, 2009, 101--118.
  13. (with S. Giannakoulias) The completeness of the Stoic propositional calculus, Neusis 20 (2011/2012), 130--165.
  14. (with V. Paschalis) Grades of discernibility, Proc. 10th PLS, 2015, 13--16.
  15. (with V. Paschalis) End extensions of models of arithmetic theories, II, Proc. 11th PLS, 2017, 226-231.
  16. Ancient logic. A review (in Greek), in: Introduction to Ancient Philosophy, G. Karamanolis (ed.), University of Crete Press, 2017, 91-130.
  17. Aristotelian Logic and Leibniz (in Greek), in: D. Moukanos memorial volume, M. Mouzala (ed.), Gutenberg Publications, 2018, 141-172.

Books-Lecture notes

  1. Elements of Set Theory and Logic (in Greek), 1999, 92 pp.
  2. Introduction to Mathematical Logic (in Greek), 1999, 118 pp.
  3. (with D. Anapolitanos, D. Gavalas, A. Demis and V. Karasmanis) Logic - Theory and Practice (in Greek), Ministry of Education Press, 1999.
  4. Mathematical Logic (in Greek), Greek Open University, Patras, 2002, 230 pp.
  5. History of Ancient Greek Logic (in Greek), 2007, 125 pp.

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6 years, 5 months ago.
