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MSc thesis of Αγαμέμνωνος Γιαννακόπουλου

Learning Poisson Binomial Distributions with Differential Privacy

Supervisor: Δημήτρης Φωτάκης

This thesis tries to leverage two major research areas. The first area concerns the Distribution Learning Theory and the second the Differential Privacy. More specific, given a highly efficient algorithm which learns with ε-accuracy a Poisson Binomial Distribution we try to study its Differential Privacy property. We show that the Algorithm achieves Differential Privacy under specific circumstances (regarding PBD nature). If the PBD close to a (n,k)-Binomial form the algorithm is Differential Privacy. If the PBD is close to a k-sparse form algorithm's privacy depends on PBD cardinality.

Defended: 28 Φεβρουαρίου 2017.

Scientific committee


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