December 1997 |
1997-12-12 |
K. Hatzikiriakou (The research program of “Reverse Mathematics”) |
1997-12-05 |
T. Pheidas (The analog of Hilbert's 10th problem for the rational numbers, under the light of new developments in algebraic geometry and number theory) |
November 1997 |
1997-11-28 |
K. Skandalis (Computability in real numbers) |
1997-11-21 |
H. Kotlarski (An explicit construction of a model of PA + ¬Con_PA) |
1997-11-14 |
A. Tzouvaras (The symmetry axioms of C. Freiling in a general setting and some applications) |
1997-11-07 |
(Complexity of logic programs) |
October 1997 |
1997-10-31 |
Y. N. Moschovakis (Games in Analysis, Logic and Theoretical Computer Science, II) |
1997-10-24 |
Y. N. Moschovakis (Games in Analysis, Logic and Theoretical Computer Science, I) |
June 1997 |
1997-06-20 |
E. Zachos (From computability to computational complexity) |
1997-06-06 |
Y. N. Moschovakis (The notion of set, from Cantor to Hilbert) |
May 1997 |
1997-05-30 |
E. Kirousis (A mathematical approach to experimental conclusions concerning logical propositions) |
1997-05-16 |
E. Kranakis (Broadcasting in unlabeled networks) |
1997-05-09 |
M. Mytilinaios (Surprises in Arithmetic) |
April 1997 |
1997-04-18 |
G. Kapoulas (Computable real numbers and functions, II) |
1997-04-11 |
G. Kapoulas (Computable real numbers and functions, I) |
1997-04-04 |
C. Dimitracopoulos (The incompleteness of Peano arithmetic and Ramsey's theorem, II) |
March 1997 |
1997-03-28 |
C. Dimitracopoulos (The incompleteness of Peano arithmetic and Ramsey's theorem, I) |
1997-03-21 |
Y. N. Moschovakis (The meaning of the Church-Turing Thesis) |